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Administering a Power Apps and Power Automate enterprise deployment whitepaper

Microsoft Power Apps is more than a quick, cost-effective app development platform. You can also leverage Power Apps to drive exponential growth while protecting data and maintaining governance. Learn more with this technical whitepaper that covers all aspects of planning, building, deploying, and managing a Power Apps solution.

By |June 8th, 2021|Comments Off on Administering a Power Apps and Power Automate enterprise deployment whitepaper

Rapidly-growing UK restaurant chain migrates key business processes to Microsoft Dynamics 365

To support its ambitious growth, #TGIFridays is consolidating business operations starting with financial management on #Microsoft #Dynamics365. The system's built-in functionality and ease-of-use allows the franchise to achieve lower costs, easier access to data, and better insight. Watch this short video to learn more:

By |June 7th, 2021|Comments Off on Rapidly-growing UK restaurant chain migrates key business processes to Microsoft Dynamics 365

Azure Migrate: El centro de la migración a la nube

Reduzca la complejidad y elija herramientas que se ajusten a sus necesidades cuando trabaje con @MicrosoftAzure Migrate. Aprenda cómo #Microsoft puede ayudar a simplificar su proceso de migración de aplicaciones y calcular los ahorros de costos con este video:

By |June 7th, 2021|Comments Off on Azure Migrate: El centro de la migración a la nube

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Cost savings, scalability, anytime-anywhere access, improved security, and reduced IT costs are just some benefits that research institutes across the world have gained from to the cloud. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn more about how moving to the cloud and empowering your organization via Microsoft #Azure can pave the way for increased efficiency and higher-impact projects.

By |June 3rd, 2021|Comments Off on Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.

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The healthcare industry is entering the era of digital innovation. As it becomes increasingly mobile and cloud-centric, patients will continue seek more and more on-demand healthcare services that better adapt to their lifestyles. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn more about how #HealthIT powered by Microsoft is enabling improved patient outcomes and empowering providers with better, more efficient solutions.

By |June 3rd, 2021|Comments Off on Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.


Esta lista de migración proporciona una guía fácil y paso a paso sobre las herramientas, la planificación y los recursos que necesitará para migrar sus aplicaciones, datos e infraestructura a la nube con confianza, independientemente del lugar donde e

April 28th, 2021|Comments Off on Esta lista de migración proporciona una guía fácil y paso a paso sobre las herramientas, la planificación y los recursos que necesitará para migrar sus aplicaciones, datos e infraestructura a la nube con confianza, independientemente del lugar donde e

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