Drive innovation with insights: engage customers, empower employees, and transform business solutions
Engage customers and empower employees when you use #Microsoft Analytics and #AI to drive innovation with insights. Contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.
Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: CRM Lead Management
Gartner's "Voice of the Customer" offers insights to vendors' customer relationships through statistical data. Learn how #GartnerInc's study in CRM lead management can inform the success of your own company when managing leads.
Empower security teams to coordinate
Microsoft Teams is the one-stop digital hub for teamwork—where teams can meet, call, and chat from anywhere. Stay connected and empower your team. Subscribe now and contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more!
Migración de aplicaciones web
Cuando migra sus aplicaciones web a Azure App Service, Microsoft facilita el proceso de migración al tiempo que proporciona varias opciones. Conozca las tres formas sencillas de migrar sus aplicaciones con esta infografía:
Now is the time for Microsoft Teams
As the working world is going remote, now is the time for Microsoft Teams. Meet with your peers and get work done anywhere - on the go, at the office, even from your living room couch. Check out how to collaborate and come together with this valuable infographic!
Creación de aplicaciones inteligentes en la nube
Lleve sus habilidades de desarrollo de aplicaciones al siguiente nivel cuando combine la informática sin servidor, AI, y aprendizaje automático para crear inteligencia en sus aplicaciones. Este libro electrónico ofrece una guía paso a paso para ayudarle a crear e implementar modelos de aprendizaje automático escalables con Microsoft Azure.
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