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Construya una organización impulsada por la AI

Cada vez más empresas implementan la tecnología #AI, pero algunas obtienen más éxito que otras. Para escalar y aprovechar al máximo la tecnología de la AI, las organizaciones deben adoptar un enfoque holístico y reorganizarse desde dentro. En este documento de liderazgo intelectual se describen con detalle las prácticas básicas para adaptarse a la AI. Siga leyendo:

By |August 3rd, 2021|Comments Off on Construya una organización impulsada por la AI

A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

When you add telephony capabilities to your existing #Microsoft Teams, you equip your team with a powerful system that has everything available in one single interface. Learn how #TonysChocolonely, an Amsterdam impact and chocolate company, uses this system to coordinate easily with their workers in Europe, America, and Africa.

By |August 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

Grant Thornton closes new opportunities faster with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and AI

Grant Thornton is a global public #accounting and consulting firm that serves the largest global companies in the world, both public and private. With @Azure and #Dynamics365, they tie macro-level economic trends to micro-level needs and deliver that information to team members around the world. Learn more about how they use Microsoft solutions to meet company needs with this video:

By |August 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on Grant Thornton closes new opportunities faster with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and AI


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