Security Azure Infographic
.#Microsoft invests more than USD $1 billion annually on cybersecurity research, so you know your security is taken seriously. Check out this infographic to discover how your organization can benefit at enterprise scale with Azure Advanced Threat Protection. Contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more!
Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps
Adopting the tools and mindset of DevOps can facilitate development efficiency, boost productivity, and increase the rate at which products can be brought to market. Are you ready to dive into DevOps as a concept including how GitHub and Azure DevOps can help reduce overhead and get you where you want to go faster? Sign up to stay connected.
The leading South African law firm steps up digital innovation to build the legal practice of tomorrow
Did you know Webber Wentzel law firm, one of South Africa's most prominent law firms, is refreshing its digital transformation strategy with #Microsoft Office 365? Watch this video to see how the firm acts as a beacon of innovation for the industry, and learn how your organization can do the same!
Ste. Michelle Wine Estates ensure business continuity with Dynamics 365
Ste. Michelle Wine Estates has shifted from 90% in-person and 10% e-commerce to the reverse—90% e-commerce and 10% in-person. This switch was necessary to protect customers and employees. It was only made possible through agile business processes enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions. Check out this video to learn how they did it.
The leading South African law firm steps up digital innovation to build the legal practice of tomorrow
Did you know Webber Wentzel law firm, one of South Africa's most prominent law firms, is refreshing its digital transformation strategy with #Microsoft Office 365? Watch this video to see how the firm acts as a beacon of innovation for the industry, and learn how your organization can do the same!
Allstate transforms the customer experience with Azure AI
Want to elevate your customer experience with AI? Check out how #Allstate is using @AzureCognitiveServices to capture insights from customer calls to enable a more seamless customer experience.
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