10 reasons why every enterprise needs a DevOps strategy for 2021
Traditional approaches to development aren't keeping up with the complexity, pace, and scale of change in today's digital landscape. With a DevOps strategy, teams work iteratively, delivering real-time responses to threats and opportunities. Scaling DevOps successfully means automating key areas of IT and operations—boosting sales and productivity. And that's just the beginning. Learn why every enterprise needs a DevOps strategy for 2021.
Impulse la innovación con conocimientos: interactúe con los clientes, proporcione las herramientas necesarias a los empleados y transforme las soluciones empresariales
Involucre a sus clientes y proporcionar las herramientas necesarias a sus empleados cuando utilice #Microsoft Analytics y #AI para impulsar la innovación con conocimientos. Comuníquese con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.
10 reasons why every enterprise needs a DevOps strategy for 2021
Traditional approaches to development aren't keeping up with the complexity, pace, and scale of change in today's digital landscape. With a DevOps strategy, teams work iteratively, delivering real-time responses to threats and opportunities. Scaling DevOps successfully means automating key areas of IT and operations—boosting sales and productivity. And that's just the beginning. Learn why every enterprise needs a DevOps strategy for 2021.
City of Houston: optimizing business processes
The city of Houston is optimizing business processes to drive digital transformation. Their goal is resiliency—so they can meet challenges and overcome unexpected events quickly. Microsoft solutions are key. Learn how in this video:
Future Generali uses Microsoft AI to Deepen Customer Engagements
Future Generali India Life Insurance is leveraging @Microsoft's chat bot REVA, and has already seen a 91% increase in the customer satisfaction rate that won them the Microsoft and CNBC TV18 #AIForAll award for leveraging AI. Watch the video here!
Cómo The Atlantic preserva la historia publicada con Azure AI
Conozca cómo @MicrosoftAzure AI ayuda a #TheAtlantic a hacer la transición y preservar 160 años de historia publicada en un nuevo sistema digital. Gracias a Azure Cognitive Search, los escritores pueden utilizar estos servicios como un recurso para construir conexiones entre las historias y enriquecer su contenido. Vea este video para obtener más información:
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