Low code vs. no code and the future of application development
Low code and no code platforms make application and software development accessible to businesses or projects that may not always need a full development team. The low code technology market is predicted to grow 23 percent globally in 2021—providing opportunities to save money and time.
How to build autonomous systems with AI
Implementing AI can mean different things for different industries. This short video explains how Toyota Material Handling partnered with #Microsoft to create autonomous forklifts to help around warehouses. Together with Microsoft, Fenix Alliance Group has your back.
Nuestro enfoque con una AI responsable
¿Su tecnología de AI mejora la vida? Las nuevas tecnologías pueden tener efectos involuntarios en las personas de la sociedad. Mire este video de #Microsoft para ver por qué es importante considerar si las nuevas tecnologías de IA se alinean con los valores y la ética de las personas, y comuníquese con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.
Improve observability, strengthen security, and proactively remediate vulnerabilities
There are DevOps tools for every phase of the app lifecycle. Use Azure to implement DevOps practices throughout application planning, development, delivery, and operations. By applying the right combination of DevOps technologies, culture, and processes, you can achieve continual software delivery and offer better value for your customers. Sign up to stay connected. We'll help you learn more about using Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft.
Security beyond Microsoft products
Maintain security across devices and platforms, with two factor authentication and integrated Threat Protection. @Microsoft365 is making security simple once again. See the video below for more.
HP uses artificial intelligence to transform its customer support experience
To handle 600 million technical support contacts with an agile business process, HP built a virtual agent using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI solution for customer service. This video explains what they did and how they are providing a satisfying experience for their customers.
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