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Need focused updates on all things #DevOps and @Microsoft? Subscribe now for tips, tricks, news, and insights from Fenix Alliance Group.
Microsoft supports customers on their path to digital evolution, but it also continues to innovate its own approach to sales with tools like #Dynamics365 and #SalesNavigator. Learn how @Microsoft's own Inside Sales team is keeping up with social listening, customer research, and innovative technology.
DevSecOps is the evolution of DevOps, where developer, security, and operations teams are united around the culture of security as a shared responsibility. Teams that adopt DevSecOps culture, practices, and tools improve observability, strengthen security at early stages in application development, and proactively remediate vulnerabilities. Sign up to stay connected. We'll help you navigate the world of DevSecOps and understand how to successfully adopt it.
A high-performing team is one that is learning continuously, one that is not intimidated by change and new technologies, and one that is aligned on goals. Learn how adoption of DevOps as a concept is revolutionizing the way organizations communicate and how they handle their daily work.
Take advantage of effective real-time communication abilities with #Microsoft Teams to transform your meetings and calling experience. Subscribe now to learn more.
La base de cualquier interacción con el cliente es construir una conexión humana. Desde las cafeteras inteligentes hasta las sugerencias personalizadas en los menús, la AI hará que su próxima visita a Starbucks sea lo más grata posible. Conozca cómo en este video sobre la conferencia Microsoft Build
Provide seamless multichannel experiences and unify data sources to better serve customers by implementing Azure #DevOps. Watch the video below to see how H&R Block enhanced service delivery with #Microsoft. Contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.
When you use @Microsoft's Activate Digital Selling solution, you equip your team with the ability to streamline sales and adapt quickly in the sales process. Subscribe now to learn more.
CX es esencial para ayudar a una empresa a retener y aumentar su base de clientes mediante referencias orgánicas. Desde los robots de chat inteligentes, disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, hasta las tecnologías de toque personal, las soluciones basadas en los datos están involucrando a los clientes de maneras significativamente nuevas. En este artículo, 11 miembros del Consejo Tecnológico de Forbes explican cómo las organizaciones pueden utilizar la tecnología inteligente para mejorar la experiencia de sus clientes.
More and more developers are working from home with #Microsoft #VisualStudio integrated development environment and #GitHub. While editing, debugging, and building code as well as publishing an app from your personal workspace is great, connecting with other developers can make your work even better. #RemoteOfficeHours is a new live broadcast directly from the Visual Studio team—a show by developers for developers. Read on and contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.