Principios de Analytics y AI de Microsoft
Microsoft se dedica a un enfoque ético de la AI. En esta infografía se proporcionan 6 principios para una AI responsable y el compromiso de fomentar estos avances.
Microsoft se dedica a un enfoque ético de la AI. En esta infografía se proporcionan 6 principios para una AI responsable y el compromiso de fomentar estos avances.
Ever heard someone argue that open source isn't secure? Or that open source is difficult to maintain? Myths and misconceptions can hold your team back. Debunk the four most common misconceptions about open source and make the most of your #DevOps transformation with answers from #Microsoft. Questions? Contact Fenix Alliance Group and let's get started.
#Dynamics365 enables companies to keep up with digital sales, including #Microsoft itself. Learn how the Digital Sales team at Microsoft leverages #AI-driven solutions to accelerate sales, work together while apart, and adjust to every situation.
Descubra cómo la adopción de seguridad basada en la nube, incluyendo las tecnologías de automatización, orquestación y aprendizaje automático, puede ayudar a su organización a enfrentar los desafíos operativos y de escalabilidad en la era de la nube. Suscríbase para obtener más información.
Un entrenamiento en ciberseguridad como nunca antes se había visto: la seguridad, protección y cumplimiento de primera clase de Azure obtenidos mediante los servicios en la nube. Descubra cómo Microsoft y Circadence se unieron para crear un entorno de entrenamiento en ciberseguridad escalable y variado aprovechando el poder de Microsoft Azure AI. Compruébelo aquí:
Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery. Subscribe to stay connected. We'll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft
New features in Microsoft Teams let you meet with anyone inside or outside your organization. For 9 tips to host more productive meetings with attendees in or outside your organization, check out this blog post:
With the recent pandemic changing everything, Ciacci Winery is reimagining the future of its business with a blend of tradition and technology using #Microsoft Teams. Check out their virtual wine tasting and the new frontier for their business with Teams!
For Czech company #ComAp, the effort to be always there for its customers has become one of the company's essential values. Learn how digitalization of sales has enabled global consolidation and consistency throughout their offices with this short video:
Much of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences resources lived in isolated on-premises databases. When it hit its limit and needed a quick, safe, and cost-effective growth path, it turned to Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, and Visual Studio. Azure provided the capacity to grow usage while accommodating spikes in traffic during the awards season. DevOps united development and infrastructure teams. And Visual Studio made it possible to agilely develop new streaming apps to deliver rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms.