About Daniel Lozano Navas

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So far Daniel Lozano Navas has created 1043 blog entries.
17 05, 2021

DHHS: Growing community services with apps

By |2021-05-17T22:20:52+00:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on DHHS: Growing community services with apps

In recent years, more and more government agencies have successfully employed digital tools and channels to simplify and streamline their interactions with citizens and businesses. These tools have also allowed agencies to increase operational efficiency and build trust among taxpayers. See how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure to enable new citizen-facing apps that provide improved patient experiences.

17 05, 2021

NSW: Preparing students for the future

By |2021-05-17T19:24:43+00:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on NSW: Preparing students for the future

To empower students to be ready for the future, Microsoft is focused on supporting educators to teach new technology concepts and educating students to be future-ready with technology skills. Watch this video to see how both goals are addressed in New South Wales, Australia. @MicrosoftTeams

17 05, 2021

Cinco consejos para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero y gestionar costos con Azure

By |2021-05-17T17:22:39+00:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Cinco consejos para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero y gestionar costos con Azure

Aproveche las ofertas y herramientas para maximizar su eficiencia y ahorrar dinero con #Microsoft Azure con estos cinco sencillos consejos. ¿Desea una visión general de las características? Vea este breve video.

13 05, 2021

Aspectos esenciales de migración a la nube

By |2021-05-13T19:00:32+00:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Aspectos esenciales de migración a la nube

La migración a la nube puede requerir de una cuidadosa planificación y estrategia de IT. Aprenda a abordar su migración a la nube, evalúe sus servidores, máquinas virtuales y aplicaciones, ejecute con seguridad su migración y optimice sus servicios en la nube. Descargue el libro electrónico Cloud Migration Essentials de Azure y contacte a Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.

13 05, 2021

Faster together: How citizens plus pros are reshaping app dev with low code

By |2021-05-13T17:00:55+00:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Faster together: How citizens plus pros are reshaping app dev with low code

Combine citizen and professional developers while empowering IT staff to lead app creation with Microsoft Power Apps. Watch this digital briefing from leading Microsoft engineers who teach best practices for building fusion teams to develop solutions for your business challenges. Learn more here:

13 05, 2021

Reliable Electric: Power platform customer story

By |2021-05-13T13:03:23+00:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Reliable Electric: Power platform customer story

Leverage your existing talent to build custom application solutions quickly and without costly development. Lars Peterson, a citizen developer and general manager at Reliable Electric, replaced expensive proprietary software for his company by learning the simple, powerful development tools in Microsoft Power Apps. Your team can create solutions and improve their careers, too. Read here for Lars's story and see how he built an app that changed his company for the better.

12 05, 2021

Why Promoting Healthier Workplace Habits Will Boost Your Business

By |2021-05-12T22:07:05+00:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Why Promoting Healthier Workplace Habits Will Boost Your Business

Does your organization value employees' physical and mental health? Today's best business leaders acknowledge the correlation between healthy employees and successful organizations. Read "Why Promoting Healthier Workplace Habits Will Boost Your Business" by Sam Corcos for excellent ideas on how to make sure your company isn't quietly hurting its own workforce. Better yet, read it to understand some simple changes you can make to catapult your organization as a leader in the modern workplace. Connect with Fenix Alliance Group for more articles to help your business thrive.

12 05, 2021

Building an AI Powered organization

By |2021-05-12T19:13:43+00:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Building an AI Powered organization

More and more businesses implement #AI technology, but some see greater successes than others. To scale and make the most of AI technology, organizations must adopt a holistic approach and rewire from within. This thought leadership piece details core practices for adapting to AI. Read on:

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