About Daniel Lozano Navas

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So far Daniel Lozano Navas has created 1043 blog entries.
21 06, 2021

Azure ayuda a las empresas a impulsar su migración a la nube híbrida

By |2021-06-21T17:21:27+00:00June 21st, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Azure ayuda a las empresas a impulsar su migración a la nube híbrida

Las capacidades de migración híbrida de #Microsoft están diseñadas para encontrarlo donde estén las necesidades de su empresa. Vea cómo estas empresas que forman parte de #Fortune500 utilizan la flexibilidad y el poder de la migración híbrida de #Azure para el avance de sus negocios:

16 06, 2021

Migración a la nube con Microsoft Azure: 3 historias de éxito

By |2021-06-16T15:15:42+00:00June 16th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Migración a la nube con Microsoft Azure: 3 historias de éxito

Al hacer el cambio desde el software en las instalaciones a los servicios en la nube de #Azure, es importante elegir la estrategia de migración que mejor se adapte a usted. #Microsoft puede ayudarlo. Conozca tres historias de éxito de clientes en este artículo de #Infoworld para entender cómo realizar un plan de negocio válido para su migración a la nube.

15 06, 2021

5 reasons happy developers build in better security

By |2021-06-15T22:14:18+00:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on 5 reasons happy developers build in better security

One recent survey revealed that happy developers working within mature DevOps teams were 3.8 times less likely to rely on rumors to discover security issues. Survey respondents also revealed strong correlations between both mature DevOps practices and job satisfaction, and between developer productivity and mature DevOps practices. Read the article from Forbes, and then contact us to innovate your organization using DevOps with GitHub.

15 06, 2021

HP uses AI to transform its customer support experience

By |2021-06-15T17:36:30+00:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on HP uses AI to transform its customer support experience

For HP Inc., customer service is a huge priority. #Microsoft analytics and #AI allow them to better serve customers, answering common questions with virtual agents and providing support staff with a wealth of troubleshooting information. Learn more about AI solutions at #HPInc with this video and contact Fenix Alliance Group to find out more.

15 06, 2021

Introduction to Power Apps – Learn

By |2021-06-15T15:28:09+00:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Introduction to Power Apps – Learn

Your business is unique, and so are your challenges. Discover the right app for you with Microsoft Power Apps. Power Apps connects to common data sources so you can integrate easily. Read about the process, watch a video, and learn from a customer success story in this insightful manual:

15 06, 2021

Partner Opportunity Playbook: Business Analytics and AI

By |2021-06-15T13:28:14+00:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Partner Opportunity Playbook: Business Analytics and AI

This playbook highlights the various ways Microsoft Analytics and AI can help your customer's business. It briefly and visually covers the process Analytics and AI follow to produce insights and action. The playbook also lists various practical ways Analytics and AI can be applied in a business context, such as intelligent customer service. View: Partner

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