
Seguridad en la nube y Windows Virtual Desktop

By |March 15th, 2021|

En esta era digital, la privacidad y la protección de los datos es esencial. @Windows #VirtualDesktop no sólo aumenta la flexibilidad sino que también proporciona la mejor seguridad de su clase. Conozca cómo este programa toma medidas para garantizar flujos de trabajo seguros.

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Expand your offerings portfolio with innovative digital solutions. Get started with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

By |March 11th, 2021|

Thanks to accessible and secure cloud technology, retail businesses are using their most innovative retail applications to create new revenue opportunities and secure long-lasting partnerships. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how you can leverage Microsoft #RetailTech to foster industrywide disruption and get the most from your existing solutions.

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Increase oversight and control of farming operations. Get started with Microsoft Azure IoT.

By |March 11th, 2021|

Accurate oversight of farming operations can make all the difference in increasing yield, reducing resource use, and making the right decisions. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how you can enable smart farming capabilities with the help of #IoT and Microsoft #Azure.

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Inspire and empower employees with cloud-based collaboration. Get started with Microsoft 365.

By |March 11th, 2021|

Providing employees with digital spaces where they can easily share ideas and collaborate on projects is a staple of today's modern workplace. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how you can upgrade your current productivity tools by leveraging the power of always-on, cloud-based collaboration via #Microsoft365.

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Adapte los procesos empresariales a las tecnologías y exigencias cambiantes, y a la demanda

By |March 11th, 2021|

Las tecnologías y las demandas cambian. Aproveche el poder de las soluciones de #Microsoft y manténgase ágil. Para conocer las últimas novedades sobre procesos empresariales ágiles, además de noticias y consejos, suscríbase ahora.

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Mayor seguridad

By |March 11th, 2021|

Aumente la seguridad con el poder de las soluciones de seguridad de @Microsoft, y disminuya sus costos al mismo tiempo. Obtenga más información sobre la simplificación y el reforzamiento con la experiencia en seguridad de #Microsoft. Compruébelo.

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Five ways SMBs can benefit from using Microsoft Azure to move to the cloud

By |March 10th, 2021|

According to Gartner, there are 3 million current Windows 2008 licenses that need to be migrated but Azure partners see a gross margin of 49% practicewide after three years. #Azure cloud is redefining the small business playing field. Ready to help your customers take advantage of the Azure cloud and increase profits? Check out this article and contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.

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Mazik Global innovates while navigating healthcare compliance best practices

By |March 10th, 2021|

Find out how one healthcare industry solution provider leverages Microsoft Dynamics 365 and PowerApps to develop applications for COVID-19. Watch this video case study with Mazik Global here:

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New survey finds 22% of Americans have been targeted by digital fraud related to COVID-19

By |March 10th, 2021|

While the full economic impact of COVID-19 is still undetermined, United States Attorney Scott Brady noted, "I think we are really going to see an unprecedented wave of cyber attacks and cyber fraud. And that's what we're trying to prepare our partners and the public for." This article highlights the impact of COVID-19 as consumer spending shifts to e-commerce and fraud subsequently rises. Read the report here and learn how employing #MSDyn365Fraud targets these threats.

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Suscríbase ahora

By |March 10th, 2021|

Trabajar de forma remota ya es parte de los nuevos entornos en la mayoría de las empresas. La tendencia se está convirtiendo en la norma. Manténgase actualizado sobre las formas en que puede impulsar fácilmente su productividad y seguridad con Windows Virtual Desktop. Suscríbase y póngase en contacto con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.

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Kennametal adopta la estrategia en la nube de Microsoft para impulsar la innovación de la empresa

By |March 10th, 2021|

@Kennamental pasó de ser una compañía local a convertirse en una potencia mundial con soluciones en la nube de #Microsoft. Vea cómo su empresa puede seguir el mismo recorrido de la transformación digital para reducir costos, aumentar la productividad y proporcionar las herramientas necesarias a los trabajadores para que entreguen los mejores resultados a su organización. Vea este video para obtener más información.

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Retail as a service

By |March 9th, 2021|

Reimagining tech innovations as new offerings can provide a business with additional revenue opportunities, give rise to complementary services, and pave the way for profitable new partnerships. See how Kroger's tech division, is using Microsoft #RetailTech to offer cutting-edge solutions as a retail-as-a-service (RaaS) capability.

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