Minimice las pérdidas de ingresos asociadas con el fraude
Conozca cómo administrar el riesgo financiero y evitar el fraude con #Microsoft. Suscríbase hoy y comuníquese con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.
Migrate Web Apps
When you migrate your web applications to Azure App Service, Microsoft makes the migration process easy while providing multiple options. Learn about the three simple ways to migrate your apps with this infographic:
Building Intelligent Cloud Applications
Take your app development skills to the next level when you combine serverless computing, AI, and Machine Learning to build intelligence into your applications. This eBook offers a step-by-step guide to help you build and deploy scalable machine learning models with Microsoft Azure.
Todo lo que necesita saber acerca de Windows Virtual Desktop
@Windows #VirtualDesktop es el único servicio basado en la nube que ofrece la experiencia multiusuario de Windows 10, optimizada para Office 365 ProPlus. En este webcast, podrá darle un vistazo a @Windows #VirtualDesktop y cómo utilizarlo en su organización. Después comuníquese con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.
12 things pop culture gets wrong about artificial intelligence
Few things are as misconstrued in pop culture as artificial intelligence (AI). New use cases for this technology are constantly discovered, but a lot of misinformation about the way it works and its capabilities already exists. Read this article to learn about the 12 most common myths related to #AI and get insights into how it will actually influence our societies.
Why smart data strategies will drive the evolution of retail
With retailers' widespread adoption of digital initiatives, it has become clear that the industry hasn't just adapted to today's digitally driven landscape—it's now thriving. In this article, you'll learn how retailers are using #RetailTech to create smarter businesses, and how they can improve on their data analysis efforts to predict consumers' behavior more accurately.
How a cloud-native approach enables frictionless, scalable security
Among enterprises, 91 percent report data security concerns when they move to the cloud. If these worries are left unaddressed, they can lead an organization to slow down or completely halt its digital transformation. Learn about the three criteria that network detection and response (#NDR) solutions must have to ensure a successful cloud approach to cybersecurity and native integration with Microsoft #Azure.
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Empower your organization with reliable forecasting and world class fraud protection with #Microsoft. Learn more by subscribing.
Manage Risk
La optimización de las operaciones financieras es esencial para las empresas en un ambiente económico cambiante a medida que aumentan las amenazas de fraudes. En este breve video, puede conocer cómo la administración de riesgo financiero y el fraude con Microsoft puede ayudarle a adaptarse rápidamente y proteger sus ingresos.
Microsoft facilita el inicio con Windows Virtual Desktop
A medida que más empresas cambian al trabajo remoto, Microsoft trabaja para que su Windows Virtual Desktop sea más fácil de usar, para que los usuarios aumenten la productividad y la seguridad. Conozca cómo Brad Anderson, Vicepresidente de Microsoft 365, y su equipo crearon experiencias sencillas para que los usuarios cuenten con soluciones significativas.
The main challenges of advanced analytics
Only 37 percent of companies that use AI or machine learning report successful initiatives that use these technologies. This infographic provides insights into the main challenges organizations face when they adopt these technologies, and how you can overcome them with Microsoft #Azure #AI.
Deliver a modern customer journey with Microsoft
Today's retail solutions require holistic approaches that enable businesses to increase engagement with customers, empower employees and decision-makers, and drive efficiencies through all stages of the customer journey. Read this infographic to see how Microsoft #RetailTech can be used to create innovative experiences throughout the buyer's journey.
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