
How American Express and Microsoft can help merchants battle fraud

By |April 14th, 2021|

All too often, fraudulent activity triggers false positives with financial institutions (such as discovering a blocked transaction while spending time in a foreign country). Read this article and learn how #Microsoft partnered with @AmericanExpress to improve the accuracy of fraud protection.

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Dun & Bradstreet: Better decisions through data

By |April 13th, 2021|

Dun & Bradstreet ayuda a las empresas a comprender mejor sus relaciones de negocios transformando los datos de formas nuevas. En este video, puede obtener más información sobre cómo Dun & Bradstreet se asoció con #Microsoft para aprovechar las capacidades digitales y aprovechar mejor las interacciones.

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Australian National University (ANU) addresses the computing demands of genome research

By |April 13th, 2021|

Digital tools have allowed experts to process previously unheard-of amounts of data, enabling them to publish their results faster and add more value to their ongoing research. Watch this video to learn how scientists at Australian National University (ANU) are using the cloud and #AI capabilities of Microsoft #Azure to achieve advancements in their cutting-edge genome research.

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Department of Health and Human Services: Health services delivering powerful digital experiences

By |April 13th, 2021|

Digital health solutions give health providers and professionals more tools to improve patient lifestyles and help them maintain optimum health longer through a more holistic approach to disease treatment and prevention. Learn how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure and #MSDyn365 to enable unified digital experiences among medical centers and provide better care.

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NSW: Investing in education technology

By |April 13th, 2021|

Let's face it. Today's students are already immersed in technology outside of school; offering them access to the business world's best applications exposes students to future workforce possibilities. An organization in New South Wales, Australia deployed #Teams as its hub for educational collaboration and communication for students and staff. Watch this video to see how it's working.

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Solution overview video

By |April 12th, 2021|

Microsoft App Service allows you to use popular frameworks like .NET, Java, and Python to quickly build, deploy, and scale web apps. To learn more about the benefits of modernizing .NET apps with @Microsoft, watch this short video:

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¿Por qué confiar en Windows Virtual Desktop?

By |April 12th, 2021|

Microsoft emplea a más de 3,500 expertos en seguridad completamente dedicados a la seguridad y privacidad de sus datos. Trabaje con confianza y sepa que los datos de su organización están seguros cuando utiliza Windows Virtual Desktop. Haga clic aquí para averiguar cómo y póngase en contacto con Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.

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Enable faster, more accurate decision-making for retail managers. Get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

By |April 8th, 2021|

Digital retail solutions must deliver game-changing experiences for your customers, but they must also make your business more agile and empower your decision-makers via accurate data. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how #RetailTech is shaping the future of the industry and how you can get started with Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

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Create a more-productive, self-sustaining farm. Get started with Microsoft Azure AI.

By |April 8th, 2021|

As the climate changes, the world's population continues to grow, and resources become scarcer, farmers must turn to digital transformation to become more efficient and lessen their impact on the environment. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how to renewable energy, automation, and Microsoft #Azure can be leveraged to increase yields and power sustainable operations.

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Improve your agency’s collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. Get started with Microsoft 365.

By |April 8th, 2021|

In the era of cloud and mobile-first technology, it's essential that local governments use the correct tools for communicating with their citizens. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn how digital transformation powered by #Microsoft365 can increase the scope, effectiveness, and efficiency of public services.

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Suscríbase ahora

By |April 7th, 2021|

Microsoft trabaja las 24 horas del día para ofrecerle las mejores experiencias de su clase, ya sea en la oficina o el hogar. No se pierda las últimas características que ofrece Windows Virtual Desktop. Suscríbase para obtener más información.

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