
Benefits of Microsoft Teams

By |April 27th, 2021|

The chat feature in Microsoft #Teams is designed for the modern worker. It's rich text capable and supports @mentions to ensure quick notification. Users can chat (and call and meet) across devices, including mobile. Check out this flyer for more details about the collaboration, meetings and calling features. Teams is the hub for teamwork that brings everything together!

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Healthcare Accelerator: Unlocking rapid progress with unified data

By |April 27th, 2021|

To improve patient care, healthcare solutions need to be modern, unified, and intelligent. They also need to be adaptable, allowing future solutions to be built on top of them. In this two-pager, you'll learn the basics of #MSDyn365 Healthcare Accelerator and how it enables providers to deliver personalized care, improve operational outcomes, empower care teams, and reimagine healthcare.

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Cloud migration essentials

By |April 27th, 2021|

The benefits of the cloud are universal: reductions in operating costs, faster modernization capabilities, and increased security. Cloud migration requires careful planning and strategy, though. Read this eBook to learn how to maximize the effectiveness of your cloud migration initiatives and obtain valuable insights into how to guarantee post-migration success by using Microsoft #Azure.

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¿Por qué elegir .NET?

By |April 26th, 2021|

Utilizar .NET le ayuda a desarrollar aplicaciones de alta calidad con mayor rapidez, y brindar su mejor rendimiento cuando corresponda. Vea esta serie de videos de #Microsoft para saber más sobre qué es .NET y cómo puede mejorar sus servicios y tiempos de respuesta.

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Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.

By |April 22nd, 2021|

Clinging to legacy technology can decrease an organization's efficiency and severely limit its ability to react on time to sudden changes in its industry. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to gain insights into how the cloud, AI, and Microsoft #Azure are empowering today's leading organizations to drive innovation via digital solutions.

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Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.

By |April 22nd, 2021|

The digitization of the healthcare industry is empowering patients with new ways to request and receive the services they need, as well as giving providers the efficiency they need to deliver improved experiences. Follow Fenix Alliance Group to learn more about how digital transformation and #MSFTinHealth are helping to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

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Digital collaboration is key to success in the modern workplace

By |April 22nd, 2021|

Over 500,000 organizations use Microsoft Teams, the fastest growing business application in Microsoft history. Why? It's a collaboration and communication hub like no other—with applications built right in. Meeting the needs of today's modern workforce is easier when Teams is the backbone of the organization. Subscribe to Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.

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How Low-Code Platforms Let Developers Drive Business Innovation

By |April 21st, 2021|

Find out how low-code platforms like Microsoft Power Apps deliver apps ten times faster than traditional platforms. Join this webinar with Microsoft and Forrester Research speakers to learn how your technical team can work with IT counterparts to create unique and profitable apps. Join the app revolution here - sign up today.

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Accelerate your financial performance with Dynamics 365 Finance

By |April 21st, 2021|

El éxito en el entorno empresarial actual requiere aprovechar la tecnología para administrar las finanzas en todo el mundo. Con #MSDyn365Fin, puede supervisar el rendimiento en tiempo real, automatizar o simplificar las funciones y proteger los resultados empresariales. Conozca cómo puede optimizar su rendimiento financiero con #Microsoft en este video.

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