
Fraud Losses in 2019 Topped $1.9B, FTC Reports

By |May 18th, 2021|

El fraude es cada vez más predominante y está en constante aumento. Informes preliminares de 2020 detallan un aumento del 3 % desde 2018. #MSDyn365 está aquí para ayudarlo con una plataforma de protección contra fraudes de primera clase que protege más de 1,000 millones de transacciones para #Microsoft.

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Innovation for everyone

By |May 18th, 2021|

Did you know that 80% of executives at Fortune 1000 and other industry-leading companies are concerned about threats from agile, data-first companies? Become more agile by adopting low-code solutions through Microsoft Power Apps. Connect apps to your data with one click to act on new insights quickly and securely. Remove the challenges that keep ideas from turning into apps. Start accelerating your business growth today.

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The Role of AI and People Analytics in Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow

By |May 18th, 2021|

More than 40% of corporations say that new hires "lack the soft skills to perform at a high level in a professional environment." Investing in AI is investing in your employees' success and happiness. This article from Forbes reveals the ways #Microsoft AI can improve employee performance and engagement so new hires can become tomorrow's leaders.

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ANU: Collaborative research and data sharing

By |May 18th, 2021|

Open source software and open sharing have become crucial tools for modern scientific research. Bigger datasets require faster algorithms to analyze them, and sharing data allows researchers to avoid siloed pipelines, as well as validate their findings more quickly. Learn how Australian National University is empowering its genome researchers by leveraging digital collaboration tools powered by Microsoft #Azure to drive faster breakthroughs.

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DHHS: Growing community services with apps

By |May 17th, 2021|

In recent years, more and more government agencies have successfully employed digital tools and channels to simplify and streamline their interactions with citizens and businesses. These tools have also allowed agencies to increase operational efficiency and build trust among taxpayers. See how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure to enable new citizen-facing apps that provide improved patient experiences.

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Cinco consejos para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero y gestionar costos con Azure

By |May 17th, 2021|

Aproveche las ofertas y herramientas para maximizar su eficiencia y ahorrar dinero con #Microsoft Azure con estos cinco sencillos consejos. ¿Desea una visión general de las características? Vea este breve video.

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¡Suscríbase ahora!

By |May 13th, 2021|

La protección contra el fraude no solo es esencial para proteger los ingresos, sino también su reputación. Suscríbase para obtener más información sobre cómo #Microsoft puede ayudarlo.

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Aspectos esenciales de migración a la nube

By |May 13th, 2021|

La migración a la nube puede requerir de una cuidadosa planificación y estrategia de IT. Aprenda a abordar su migración a la nube, evalúe sus servidores, máquinas virtuales y aplicaciones, ejecute con seguridad su migración y optimice sus servicios en la nube. Descargue el libro electrónico Cloud Migration Essentials de Azure y contacte a Fenix Alliance Group para obtener más información.

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Faster together: How citizens plus pros are reshaping app dev with low code

By |May 13th, 2021|

Combine citizen and professional developers while empowering IT staff to lead app creation with Microsoft Power Apps. Watch this digital briefing from leading Microsoft engineers who teach best practices for building fusion teams to develop solutions for your business challenges. Learn more here:

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Reliable Electric: Power platform customer story

By |May 13th, 2021|

Leverage your existing talent to build custom application solutions quickly and without costly development. Lars Peterson, a citizen developer and general manager at Reliable Electric, replaced expensive proprietary software for his company by learning the simple, powerful development tools in Microsoft Power Apps. Your team can create solutions and improve their careers, too. Read here for Lars's story and see how he built an app that changed his company for the better.

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