
Effective DevOps—Building a DevOps Culture at Scale

By |July 27th, 2021|

DevOps enables organizations to deliver software faster and more reliably. But to get the desired results, it's important to know that there's more to building an effective DevOps practice than learning new methodologies and technologies. Learn about how culture is the key to a successful DevOps transformation in this e-Book from #Microsoft.

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Connecting with 500 million passionate fans worldwide

By |July 27th, 2021|

Since 2014, Real Madrid has been revolutionizing the world of sports. To reach more than 500 million fans worldwide, the club turned to Microsoft to be their Official Technology Partner to meet the wide variety of demands in different markets. Using DevOps with GitHub, they have been able to use data insights to create meaningful personal experiences. Watch this video and contact Fenix Alliance Group to learn more.

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Future Generali utiliza Microsoft AI para profundizar en los compromisos con los clientes

By |July 27th, 2021|

Future Generali India Life Insurance aprovecha el chatbot REVA de #Microsoft y ya ha experimentado un aumento del 91 % en la tasa de satisfacción del cliente, lo que le ha permitido ganar el premio #AIForAll de Microsoft y CNBC TV18 por aprovechar la AI. ¡Vea el video aquí!

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Securing software, together

By |July 27th, 2021|

On GitHub, teams work together to secure the world's software at every step. Empower your security team to fully control your entire cloud security state, what environments exist, and who can access them. Learn more out the four pillars of GitHub's approach to security and why it's the development platform for Microsoft DevOps.

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Solution overview video

By |July 26th, 2021|

Microsoft offers inspired collaboration through integrated capabilities and consolidated platforms. In this short video, learn how #MicrosoftTeams features can keep your team engaged while they are working remotely.

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Romanian healthcare provider improves customer experience and business operations with Microsoft

By |July 26th, 2021|

With the help of #Microsoft tools and technology, Regina Maria #healthcare services can be more productive, creative, and helpful for their partners and patients. Learn how #MicrosoftTeams unifies their systems for better response time and quality:

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By |July 20th, 2021|

Microsoft Teams can help you stay connected to your team with engaging digital meetings. Subscribe now to learn more.

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En una era de distracciones, Microsoft quiere que la AI sea su compañero de trabajo

By |July 20th, 2021|

Microsoft está tratando de adaptar su suite de productividad a un mundo de poca atención. Los añosdel pasado, de digitalizar y formatear servilmente palabras, números e imágenes han terminado, y las futuras versiones de Word, Excel, and PowerPoint serán mucho más conscientes de su trabajo y de cómo lo hace. Imagine esto: Los algoritmos inteligentes encontrarán patrones y significados en los datos, y después usarán los conocimientos para ayudarle a que su día será más productivo. ¡Lea este artículo para conocer más sobre la transición a un software de trabajo más inteligente!

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Strengthen customer relationships with a unified customer data profile and predictive insights

By |July 20th, 2021|

Personalize and strengthen customer experiences through predictive insights with Activate Digital Selling. Learn how #Microsoft can help - subscribe now!

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