Australian National University: The DNA of data and AI

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Data is vital to scientific research. Without the ability to quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, breakthroughs and publications take longer. This increases administrative tasks and can even lead to projects going over budget. To avoid these pitfalls, modern researchers have begun turning to artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-based technology, which enable the researchers to avoid the time and expense of setting up and configuring servers, leaving them to focus on their scientific goals.

In this video, you’ll see how researchers at Australian National University (ANU) conduct cutting-edge genome research by using Microsoft Azure to commission a data science virtual machine that allows them to instantly process large amounts of data. You’ll also learn how, thanks to the data management capabilities of Azure, ANU is now able to use unprecedented volumes of data and new analytical frameworks to decrease admin time and maximize the university’s research capabilities.

By |2021-04-20T19:27:43+00:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Noticias y actualizaciones|Comments Off on Australian National University: The DNA of data and AI

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